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The Office of Foreign Affairs

Welcome to the diplomatic corps section of the Royal Government. The Office of Foreign Affairs is set up to be ran by the Chancellor. The Chancellor is to review treaties we have with other nations and make sure they are being kept. The Chancellor is also to aid the king in keeping the lines of communications open with all our diplomatic friends. The Office of Foreign Affairs also manages any Embassy we have in another nation. It also works with foreign embassy's in our Kingdom to insure all things are going smoothly. In the absence of a Chancellor the King assumes the duties of this office as well. 

The Kingdom of Fristehen is open to diplomatic relations with other maco and micro nations.  If your country/nation/kingdom, etc would like to open relations with us, please contact using the link provided in the "Contact Us" section of this website. In the subject line use the title Foreign Affairs Request. 

The Kingdom promotes universal cooperation between all the nations and countries on earth. As stated above we are open to diplomatic talks and relations with other entities, however the King has final authority on approving any diplomatic treaty and has set forth some guidelines.

1: Any country/nation/kingdom, etc wishing to enter into diplomatic relations must have a stable form of government. 

2: Must have an actual land or territorial clam. We will not accept claims on either the north or south pole, the whole of Antarctica or it's surrounding area, or in space or any moon or star. We may recognize an apartment, a private residence or even a bedroom but each is on a case by case basis. 

3: The government must not be one of a depressing regime on its citizens.

4: Must be able to provide proof of existence and should have a flag for identity. 

The above 4 points are just examples at what this office and the king looks at and the process to establish a foreign relationship may involve a bit more. The Royal Government is aware you may have a formal process and we will work together with any entity to include this as well.


Below you find a list of nations we have entered into some form of a diplomatic friendship/relationship with.  We hope you will visit these wonderful nations, as we encourage you to explore your world. 

List of Nations

Geovannia Flag_edited.jpg

1: The Geovannian Union

DeHerrera Flag_edited.jpg

2: The House of DeHerrera

Union Occitania Flag.jpg

3: The Popular Union of Occitania

4: The Nation of Charlietoria

5: The Kingdom of Optonia

6: The British Empire Inc

7: The Suquelish Republic

8: The Etruscan Federation

9: The Grand Duchy of Hagersbourg

10: The Irevan Republic 

11: The Kingdom of Unixploria

12: Empire of Balkania

13: The Commonwealth of Dracul

14: The Empire of Lehmark

15: The Begley Commonwealth

Flag of the King of Volletnia_edited.jpg

16: The Kingdom of Volletnia

Principality of Vurmond Flag.png

17: The Principality of Vurmond

Flag of Zecoslovakia .JPG

18: The Imperial Republic of Zecoslovakia

Flag of Angosvria.PNG

19: Confederation of Angosvria

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20: The Pearson Republic

21: The Kingdom of Gannovia


22: The Sovereign Kingdom of Stota

                                                        Welcome to

                  Prosperity International Cyberport

You may be asking, "What is a cyberport?" Well it's just like an airport, but on the internet. The Prosperity International Cyberport is named after the idea of Prosperity. In hoping that if we can keep good relations with the nations of the earth, we can all have prosperity from this cooperation. The cyberport is an idea developed here in the Kingdom and is the first cyberport on the internet. It is easy to use. Simply look above at the List of Nations and beside each nation you will see a number. That is the gate you click on in the terminal map below and you will be taken to a site for that nation. That's it, we told you it was easy. We hope you have a enjoyable cyber-flight. 

Historical  Context Nations

Unfortunately in the maco and micro national world, sometimes nations dissolve. When this happens and our government declares a nation a HCN nation (Historical Context Nation) then any treaty we had with them is voided due to their cessation. We will however keep records of any and all contact with had with them for historical purposes. Below you will find a list of nations that appear to us to have dissolved or has not functioned in quiet some time. If the nation was to emerge again then we would certainly be excited to welcome our friends again after a review has been conducted and passed. You may still be able to find some information on these (former) nations by conducting a search on the internet.


1: The Confederation of  Ashbourtanian Commonwealths

2: The Cheslovian Federation (we believe the name was later changed to Kaznia)

3: Kingdom of West Ararat

4: N.A.F.M - North Atlantic Federation of Micronations (not a nation but an alliance of member state micronations)

5: Republic of Purbeck Road

6: The Commonwealth Republic of Avalon

7: The Nation of Sweet

8: Kingdom of Two Chairs

9: The Republic of Veritemia

Plaza of Micronations

The flags of our great allies, The Begley Commonwealth and the Geovannian union fly with our flag in the Fristehen sky at the Plaza of Micronations. We hope to exchange flags with more nations in the future and expand the plaza. 

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